Books, Books, Books!

Halloween is time for more ghost hunting books!

As of mid-September (2024), I’ve relaunched four of my books.

I’ve included everything pertinent to every topic in each book, so most of my how-to ghost-hunting information is now in print and available before Halloween.

For me, that’s a major victory.

So far, my favorite updated books include Haunted or Not?, which is a radically revised edition of my former “Is Your House Haunted?”

This time, I lead with the reasons that 80% of “haunted” houses probably aren’t haunted, after all.

(I’m sorry if that spoils readers’ fun. Too many ghost hunting TV shows – and YouTube channels – look like parodies of serious research. It’s become imperative to speak up.)

Then, after explaining how to thoroughly debunk a possibly-haunted site, I explain what to do if the house still seems haunted.

My next major project was my other favorite book—a long-time classic—Ghost Hunting in Haunted Cemeteries – A How-To Guide. This edition includes more complete information, plus tips for team investigations, and… Well, everything you might need to know for this kind of research.

… But, for those who want “just the facts, ma’am,” there is a shorter version of that book. It’s missing many useful tips, but for someone who wants to find a haunted cemetery and see if they like that kind of research… Well, it’s a good, quick way to start.

And finally (and long overdue), I’ve edited, updated, and corrected an embarrassing number of typos in 101 Ghost Hunting Questions, Answered.

It now contains updated insights and (I hope) no (or few) typos.

I don’t expect further updates to any of these books. Really, I’ve included almost everything I know about these topics.

Upcoming projects include making all of these books available through Kobo, Barnes & Noble, and so on.

In addition, there will be more books—many more books—as I compile (and update) old articles from into topic-specific books.

That will take time. After completing these four books, I’m ready for a break. Maybe for a few months.

Besides, I need to decide how to reach people without Facebook, since I’ve been banned there.

(After I discovered that Facebook was blocking all posts including the word “vote,” I stopped taking my banishment personally. Either Facebook has gone mad and suppressed conversations, or their AI is running the site badly.  Neither is a good look for them.)

Also, my other ghost-related website,, is mostly offline, at least for now.  I’ve replaced it with a single webpage that links to my books, and I’ve embedded four popular videos from my ghost-related YouTube channel.

This is to ensure that useful ghost hunting information remains available, no matter what changes Google (et al.) make.

One thought on “Books, Books, Books!”

  1. Books! For me they are 90 each from Chase and Charteris. The hard boiled action of Chase novels and the ephemerality they glorify,is something that I’ve longed for all my life. Dying at around 40 is the common trait,and thats not exclusive to novels. Jack London Elvis Presley are real life examples. Bank clerk,the ubiquitous character in the World of Chase and Charteris, is the joker in the pack. Perhaps I will become a ghost after the end, and become a part of your research.

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