Well, this project took longer than expected! This new book is over 50,000 words long. (Even I was surprised by that.)
I decided that the simplest way to launch some momentum with writing was to revise my book, 101 Ghost Hunting Questions, Answered, once and for all.
NOTE: Get your copy now. This book will be 99-cents through August 4th. After that, the price will be $4.99.
This book has been massively updated, and includes a lot more information. While some of it might not be future-proof and timeless, it should be useful for new and experienced ghost hunters.
At the moment, partially due to site glitches (which I expect are related to Microsoft’s issues) , it’s only available in Kindle.
As soon as I can format it for print, and distribute this book to other booksellers, I’ll post those links here. (Expect them later this week, assuming the digital world resumes normal operations soon.)
This is the seventh edition of this book, first published in 2008. It’s also likely to be the last edition of this particular title, as I want to stop rewriting past books and move forward with new ones.
Anyway, if you read it (which I hope you will), I also hope you’ll leave an honest review. Reviews help others understand whether a book is a good match for their interests… or not.
There was a timeline when ghosts and passions and tourism used to be things. When noun and verb and adjective and pronoun and adverb,were used in singular flow. When scotch was a life saver and jam,jelly,ketchup,bread,butter etc routine eatables. And in this timeline there are no ghosts,and certainly no Val Cade or Juana Roca. Thomas Cook and palm trees are forgotten brochures. And those culinary cookies described by Enid Blyton are strictly shunned. Tea with cream is a nightmaris proposal. Cigarette is a sure way to end it all. For myself I stopped eating fried foods and packaged preserved taste makers,30 years back. And I’m better off than others. No tooth loss or cataract for me,but most of my associates have been afflicted. Digitalisation too is passe,when bored with audio and video,you don’t go for either analogue or digital.