I probably should have done this long ago, but… Well, better late than never.
Taking the advice of a long-time friend – who’s also a successful life counsellor – I’ve seen that I’ve been spinning my wheels, trying to counter the ridiculous ways I’ve been represented by others, in the media, and so on.
In other words, I’m stepping back from a few no-win games.
One of them is: Trying to explain myself as the person who launched the Mandela Effect phrase and apparently popularized the concept. Trying to convey what it’s really about, as I (and many others) see it.
Another is building and maintaining websites, just to see them de-indexed by Google. Including a 600+ article site that – for 25 years – has (had?) been one of the leading authority sites in the ghost hunting field.
Then there’s being banned by Facebook, apparently for speaking up about a privacy-option window that was about to close.
And, in the past week or so, a glitch in the set-up of my Substack prevented me from accessing that site.
If that sounds like a tale of woe, that’s not how I see it.
For me, it’s a wake-up call. It’s an “ah-HA!” moment, recognizing that my time is better spent on R&D areas that where I excel and enjoy what I do.
So, you’ll see some very visible changes, starting now.
I’ve finished defending the original context of the Mandela Effect concept.
I’m going to make all of the related books – the ones with all of the original Mandela Effect site comments – free on multiple platforms. (This will start as they complete their respective Kindle Unlimited terms.)
Note: That does not mean I’m releasing the copyrights; it simply puts the initial Mandela Effect context and discoveries within reach of… Well, everyone.
I’ve also put the original Mandela Effect site (the 2018 version, anyway) on WordPress.com, where access may be limited by bandwidth allowances, each month, but – again – the point is to make the original context as accessible as possible.
In other words, endlessly trying to defend the Mandela Effect as many of us view it…? It’s not my game. I have better, more productive ways to spend my time.
Similarly, I’m likely to place reduced versions of my ghost-related sites on WordPress.com, as well.
This gives me the added bonus of not having to personally update – or supervise updates to – those websites.
Meanwhile, I’m updating my most important books on paranormal topics, and relaunching them. (The first is a new, better version of “Is Your House Haunted?” due for completion this week.)
And, I’m taking my most important how-to and research articles from my ghost-related sites, and compiling them in topic-specific books.
This is a huge project likely to take a few months. I’ll do my best to get through it as fast as I can, hopefully by the end of 2024.
But starting right now, I want you to know that I’m reclaiming my time and focus. I’m eager to pursue the R&D that intrigues me. That’s where I shine, and it’s what brings me the most happiness.
As always, I appreciate your friendship and support. And I hope to share many fresh, new discoveries with you, in the future.