It’s May… Already…? Back to Ghost Hunting!

Updating everything

Where did the months go?

Okay, that’s a rhetorical question. We’ve been on the road, in more states than I have time to count at the moment. At least a dozen. Lots of places visited. Lots of research. And so many hotels and Airbnbs… some far better than others.

In fact, I’m writing this in an Airbnb in Maine. (Just a couple of weeks ago, we were in Florida. Before that, it was Texas. And then we were in Virginia. The past year has been like that, filled with travel and research… and then more travel.)

Here’s what we’re working on…

Field Research

First, I’m still knee-deep (sometimes literally) in field research, especially looking for potentially-haunted places that might be worth investigating.

At the moment, if you know any eerie sites along coastal Maine that I should visit and film while we’re here, let me know: haunted sites, hotels, cemeteries, historic sites… anything that we should explore.

Our recent drive along western Maine’s Route 117 was astonishing. I’m still processing the footage from some wonderful old cemeteries we explored. Though we need to go back to investigate some of them, I’m certain that a few (or more) are haunted.


Right now, we’re focusing on YouTube, as it seems to be a good way to reach new ghost hunters. Frankly, I’ve winced at the few Sam & Colby videos I’ve seen, but I’m also certain their “good scare” approach will attract more people to serious ghost research.

I want to make sure we meet their needs.

So, my ghost-related YouTube channel then became “How to Find Ghosts,” and – for now – it’s Ghosts and Haunted Places.  I may change it again in the near future, as I have more clarity on what interests you (and me, of course) the most. (The URL is still  )

Note: The Mandela Effect videos moved to my Mandela Effect YouTube channelFor now, I’m not adding much there. That topic took on a life of its own, long ago, and I don’t know that I have anything to add. Mostly, I blink and try to understand how it turned into… well, whatever it is as you’re reading this.

Site Updates

Since the Google de-indexing, went “on hiatus.” I decided to turn it into a book, 101 Ghost Hunting Questions, Answered.

(Now that Google is bringing in its own aggregator AI to answer questions, a Q&A site seems fairly pointless.)

My original ghost-related website,, is also going through some major changes.

That’s a far bigger project.

That’s not just because some of my Hollow Hill articles are dozens of years old (I’m not kidding), but also, many need updates and videos.

And many articles need complete rewrites that include more details. Lots more details.

My long-term friends and followers may recall that “Hollow Hill” referenced Irish legends about the Tuatha Dé Danann and faerie lore of that country. At the time, I added a few ghost-related articles, thinking they might interest the same readers. Instead, I found myself writing more & more about ghosts, since that’s what people asked for.

So, that’s why we’re rebranding that ghost hunting site – but just with a redirect – as And

New Books and Updates

In addition, we’re resuming work on my books. Those that simply need updates are the highest priority.

Later, as time permits, other manuscripts – started but never finished – will be revisited.

So, these next few months will be busy. I’ll be online as much as possible, but – since we’re still in hotels, etc. – my top priority is field research and filming.

That means you’ll see more videos at YouTube. Lots more, to reach a new audience that wants to try ghost hunting. (It’s difficult to believe that it’s been 20 years since the “Ghost Hunters” TV series launched and sparked its own wave of new investigators.)

I’ll update this site as we complete big projects. And, in general, I’ll try to be online every few days, at least to answer questions and comments.

Thanks for your interest, as well as your patience, as we restructure much of what we’ve been doing, especially related to ghost research.

2 thoughts on “It’s May… Already…? Back to Ghost Hunting!”

  1. Hello Fiona

    Could you tell me how people thought Mandela died back in the 80’s or 90’s,
    What was the cause of death.

    Thank you

    1. Helen, I’ve talked about this often, so I’m not sure why you’re asking.

      In my case, I turned on the TV and saw that my favorite show was pre-empted by coverage of what I thought was Nelson Mandela’s funeral. The next day, it was the same. And, while I’m not entirely certain of this, there may have been a third day of coverage, but that was probably related to the rioting that followed his tragic death.

      At that point in my life – and this may sound utterly shallow – I didn’t take time to watch much of the funeral-related coverage. So, I’m a bit uncertain of the details. However, due to where my family was living at that time (we moved every few years), I can narrow the time down to the very late 1980s or very early 1990s.

      I recall the funeral procession in the street, including the hearse. I recall the open-air tribute under a really huge tree, with chairs set up in front of it, and a podium. I recall his widow being escorted by a rather large, male bodyguard, and the widow leaning on his arm for support as she struggled to walk while clearly grieving.

      That’s all. Generally, I’d turn on the TV for a few minutes, and – seeing the show I’d wanted to view, pre-empted – I turned it off.

      After that, discovering (happily) that Nelson Mandela was still alive, I assumed I’d simply misunderstood what I’d seen on TV.

      I didn’t think anything of that. Mistakes happen.

      But then, at Dragon Con, Shadowe casually commented (about another curious confusion we were discussing), “That’s like people who remember Nelson Mandela dying, years ago.”

      Until that moment, I had no idea others had a (mistaken?) memory of Mandela dying while in prison. And, to this day, I have no reasonable explanation for the volume of people sharing that memory; it’s why I started the website… as you’d know, if you read my book (or listen to it at YouTube )

      Other than that, you’ll need to ask others with similar memories.

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